Catalina Guerrero
Catalina Guerrero

Frontier Economics (Madrid)

Catalina is a Consultant in Frontier Economics based in the Madrid office. Her areas of expertise are the telecommunication sector and competition economics.

She applies rigorous economic analysis to advise national regulatory and competition authorities, as well as clients, on a range of issues, including the developing of remedies to be imposed on SMP operators, designing margin squeeze tests, developing frameworks to assess market dominance and abuse of dominance, as well as merger investigations.

Catalina has played key roles in various dispute resolution projects, providing expert analysis in cartel damage estimation proceedings and arbitration. Within Frontier, she is an active member of the Telecommunications Dispute Resolution Working Group, focused on enhancing the economic analysis provided to our clients.

Before joining Frontier, Catalina worked as an Investment Specialist at Citigroup and was a T.A. in the Economics of Competition Policy at the Barcelona School of Economics.

She studied for a Master´s Degree in Competition and Market Regulation at the Barcelona Graduate School of Economics and has a Bachelor´s in Economics from Tecnológico de Monterrey.
