Marcelo Schoeters
Marcelo Schoeters

Compass Lexecon (Buenos Aires)

Marcelo is an Executive Vice President with Compass Lexecon based in Buenos Aires with more than 30 years of experience. He specializes in economic and regulatory analysis; valuation of businesses and other assets; and the assessment of damages in the context of international and commercial arbitration cases.

Marcelo has provided written and oral expert testimony or expert advice in more than 75 cases. His experience involves treaty disputes between private investors and governments on topics related to damage valuation and regulatory standards. He also has substantial experience in commercial arbitrations, shareholder disputes and political risk insurance claims. His experience involves cases in several industries (electricity, oil and gas, roads, airports, hospitality, commercial fishing, steel, cleaning products and real state), in Argentina, Bahrein, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Guatemala, Panama, Peru, Trinidad & Tobago, Turkey, Ukraine, United Sates, Uruguay, and Venezuela under ICSID, ICC, PCA, CAIP and UNCITRAL rules.
He is a regular speaker at conferences on damages issues. He has been recognized over 14 years among the world’s top arbitration expert witnesses by Who’s Who Legal and by Client Choice Award in 2023.

Marcelo has also served as key economic advisor to Argentina’s Secretariat of Energy on the energy sector reform that took place in the 1990s. He was Executive Consultant at Mercados Energéticos (Argentina-Brazil-Spain) specialized in Prices and Tariffs and Corporate Support. He participated in different cases for both public and private institutions on several issues including risk management and regulation, tariff setting, firm valuation, privatization processes and design of strategies to develop rural electrification. He completed more than 50 cases in the electricity sector of Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Italy, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Russia, Spain, Uruguay and Venezuela. He was Senior Managing Economist at LECG (US company), specialized in regulatory and economic aspects of infrastructure sector.

Marcelo obtained his BA in Economics at the National University of Cordoba (Argentina) and is now a PhD candidate in Economics at the same institution.
